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INI File | 2004-06-03 | 19.9 KB | 454 lines
;Language translation for MP3Gain (the GUI part) ; ;Simply translate the strings in this file, name the file ; YOURLANGUAGE.mp3gain.ini ;and put it in the same folder as the GUI exe file. ; ; (the GUI just looks for ONE *.mp3gain.ini file-- if there ; are more than one in the folder, it will only pick ; one of them) ; ;The overall idea here is to replace everything on the RIGHT ;side of the = signs to your own language. Do NOT change ;anything on the LEFT side of the = signs. ; ;For instance, you can change "LCL_CHOOSE_FOLDER=Choose Folder" ;to "LCL_CHOOSE_FOLDER=Folderenn Zelectin" ;But do NOT change it to "LCL_FOLDERENN_ZELECTIN=Folderenn Zelectin" ; ; ; ;The "&" character in strings is the Windows shortcut key. ;For instance, "mnuFile.Caption=&File" sets the File menu ;caption to "File" with the "F" underlined, and a ;shortcut key of "Alt+F". ;Changing that to "mnuFile.Caption=F&ile" would underline ;the "i" instead, and make the shortcut key "Alt+I" ; ; ; ;All the items that look like %%something%% are things that the ;program will automatically replace ; ;For instance, the line "LCL_ANALYZING=Analyzing %%filename%%" will ;appear in the program as something like ;"Analyzing C:\Music\RockMe.mp3" ; ;So leave those %%something%% items spelled EXACTLY the same. But ;you can move them around in the string if necessary. ; ;For instance, you could change the previous example to ;"LCL_ANALYZING=%%filename%% is being analysed" ;so that it would show up in the program as ;"C:\Music\RockMe.mp3 is being analysed" ; ; ; ;Oh, and the "LCL_xxx" strings are ones that are used in the code. ;The "xxx.Caption" and "xxx.Text" and "xxx.ToolTipText" strings ;are the graphical components built into the forms. That should ;not really affect your translation efforts, it's just for your ;information. ; ;If you have any questions about what any of these strings mean ;(how they are used in the GUI), just e-mail me at the address ;found on the "Help->About" screen. ; ; ;If you want a complete test scenario to make sure you have ;translated everything, ask me. I am putting together a list ;of steps that should make every string in this file ;appear at least once while you do them. ; ;;********************************************************************************** ;CHANGES as of 2002-09-24 ;CHANGED ;Replace "ReplayGain" with "Replay Gain" -- not _very_ important, but I'm trying ; to clean up everything as much as possible for the official 1.0 release ;(old) lblDescription.Caption=Performs ReplayGain analysis of MP3 files. ;lblDescription.Caption=Performs Replay Gain analysis of MP3 files. ;(old) Label2.Caption=For more information about ReplayGain, go to ;Label2.Caption=For more information about Replay Gain, go to ;End CHANGES section ;********************************************************************************** ; [frmAbout] LCL_ABOUT_PROGRAM=╨δτ±∩÷∩±▀σ≥ πΘß ⌠∩ %%programName%% LCL_VERSION_NUMBER=╕ΩΣ∩≤τ %%versionNumber%% lblBackEndTitle.Caption=Back end (mp3gain.exe) lblDescription.Caption=╨±ßπ∞ß⌠∩≡∩Θσ▀ ßφ▄δ⌡≤τ Ωß⌠▄ Replay Gain ⌠∙φ ß±≈σ▀∙φ MP3. Label2.Caption=├Θß ≡σ±Θ≤≤ⁿ⌠σ±σ≥ ≡δτ±∩÷∩±▀σ≥ ≤≈σ⌠ΘΩ▄ ∞σ ⌠∩ Replay Gain, Label3.Caption=╘σδσ⌡⌠ß▀ß ▌ΩΣ∩≤τ ⌠∩⌡ MP3Gain ≤⌠τ ΣΘσ²Φ⌡φ≤τ Label5.Caption=┼≡ΘΩ∩Θφ∙φ▀ß ∞σ ⌠∩ Στ∞Θ∩⌡±πⁿ, Glen Sawyer, Label7.Caption=╘∩ ≡±ⁿπ±ß∞∞ß Ω▄φσΘ ≈±▐≤τ ∞Θß≥ ⌠±∩≡∩≡∩Θτ∞▌φτ≥ ▌ΩΣ∩≤τ≥ ⌠∩⌡ mpglib. ╟ ß±≈ΘΩ▐ ▌ΩΣ∩≤τ ⌠∩⌡ mpglib Γ±▀≤Ωσ⌠ßΘ Label10.Caption=┼⌡≈ß±Θ≤⌠▀σ≥ ≤⌠∩φ Marc Heubeck ≡∩⌡ ▌Ωßφσ ⌠ß ≡δ▐Ω⌠±ß σδ▌π≈∩⌡ φß ÷ß▀φ∩φ⌠ßΘ Ωßδ²⌠σ±ß ΩßΘ ≤⌠∩ Bill MacEachern ≡∩⌡ ▌Ωßφσ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ ┬∩▐ΦσΘß≥ φß ÷ß▀φσ⌠ßΘ ≡Θ∩ σ≡ßππσδ∞ß⌠ΘΩⁿ. lblTranslation.Caption=┼δδτφΘΩ▐ ∞σ⌠▄÷±ß≤τ : ╞ß≈ß±▀ß≥ ╙Ωσ≡σ⌠µ▐≥ (ZAK) e-mail:zakskep@hotmail.com cmdDonate.Caption=╦ß⌠±σ²∙ ⌠∩ ≡±ⁿπ±ß∞∞ß ß⌡⌠ⁿ ΩßΘ Φß ▐Φσδß φß ∞▄Φ∙ ≡∙≥ Φß ≤⌠σ▀δ∙ ∞Θß Σ∙±σ▄ ≤⌠∩ Στ∞Θ∩⌡±πⁿ ⌠∩⌡! cmdOK.Caption=&OK [frmDisclaimer] frmDisclaimer.Caption=┴≡∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ┼⌡Φ⌡φ■φ Frame1.Caption=┴≡∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ┼⌡Φ⌡φ■φ Label7.Caption=╘∩ δ∩πΘ≤∞ΘΩⁿ ß⌡⌠ⁿ ΩßΘ ⁿδß ⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß ≡∩⌡ ⌠∩ ≤⌡φ∩Σσ²∩⌡φ ≡ß±▌≈∩φ⌠ßΘ ∙≥ ▌≈∩⌡φ ΩßΘ ≈∙±▀≥ φß ≤⌡φ∩Σσ²∩φ⌠ßΘ ß≡ⁿ ∩≡∩ΘßΣ▐≡∩⌠σ σππ²τ≤τ πΘß ⌠τφ σ∞≡∩±σ⌡≤Θ∞ⁿ⌠τ⌠ß ΩßΘ ⌠τφ Ωß⌠ßδδτδⁿ⌠τ⌠ß ⌠∩⌡≥ πΘß Ω▄≡∩Θ∩ ≤⌡πΩσΩ±Θ∞▌φ∩ ≤Ω∩≡ⁿ. Label8.Caption=╙σ Ωß∞Θ▄ ≡σ±▀≡⌠∙≤τ ∩ Στ∞Θ∩⌡±πⁿ≥ Σσφ Φσ∙±σ▀⌠ßΘ ⌡≡σ²Φ⌡φ∩≥ πΘß ∩≡∩ΘßΣ▐≡∩⌠σ µτ∞Θ▄ (≤⌡∞≡σ±Θδß∞Γßφ∩∞▌φ∩⌡ ≈∙±▀≥ ≡σ±Θ∩±Θ≤∞∩²≥, µτ∞Θ▌≥ πΘß ß≡■δσΘß σ≡Θ≈σΘ±τ∞ß⌠ΘΩ∩² Ω▌±Σ∩⌡≥, ▐ ß≡■δσΘß ≡δτ±∩÷∩±▀ß≥ ▐ ▄δδτ ≈±τ∞ß⌠ΘΩ▐ ß≡■δσΘß) ≡∩⌡ ≡±∩Ω²≡⌠σΘ ß≡ⁿ ⌠τ ≈±▐≤τ ▐ ⌠τφ ßΣ⌡φß∞▀ß ≈±▐≤τ≥ ß⌡⌠∩² ⌠∩⌡ ≡±∩·ⁿφ⌠∩≥. cmdOK.Caption=&OK [frmDonate] frmDonate.Caption=─∙±σ▌≥ lblDonate.Caption=╘∩ ≡±ⁿπ±ß∞∞ß ß⌡⌠ⁿ σ▀φßΘ σφ⌠σδ■≥ Σ∙±σ▄φ (freeware). ─σφ ⌡≡▄±≈∩⌡φ ≈±∩φΘΩ∩▀ ≡σ±Θ∩±Θ≤∞∩▀, ß≡σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞▌φσ≥ δσΘ⌠∩⌡±π▀σ≥ ▐ Ω▄⌠Θ ≡ß±ⁿ∞∩Θ∩. ╕π±ß°ß ß⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ ≡±ⁿπ±ß∞∞ß ß≡δ▄ σ≡σΘΣ▐ ▐Φσδß φß ⌠∩ Ω▄φ∙ ΩßΘ ßφ Ω▄≡∩Θ∩≥ ▄δδ∩≥ ⌠∩ Γ±σΘ ≈±▐≤Θ∞∩ Σσφ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ Ωßφ▌φß ≡±ⁿΓδτ∞ß ∞σ ∞▌φß. Label1.Caption=┴╦╦┴, σ▄φ Φ▌δσ⌠σ φß ≤⌡φσΘ≤÷▌±σ⌠σ Ω▄⌠Θ ∞≡∩±σ▀⌠σ φß Ω▄φσ⌠σ ∞Θß Σ∙±σ▄ ≈±τ∞▄⌠∙φ ∞▌≤∙ ⌠∩⌡ PayPal (≤⌡∞≡σ±Θδß∞Γ▄φ∩φ⌠ß≥ ⌠τφ σ≡Θδ∩π▐ ≡δτ±∙∞▐≥ ∞σ ≡Θ≤⌠∙⌠ΘΩ▐ Ω▄±⌠ß) Ω▄φ∩φ⌠ß≥ ΩδΘΩ ≤⌠∩ Ω∩⌡∞≡▀ 'Donate', ▐ ∞▌≤∙ e-mail ≤σ ß⌡⌠▐ ⌠τ ΣΘσ²Φ⌡φ≤τ πΘß ⌠Θ≥ ≡σ±σ⌠ß▀±∙ ΣΘσ⌡Φσ⌠▐≤σΘ≥: Label3.Caption=╩ßΘ ≡▄δΘ, σ≡Θ⌠±▌°⌠σ ∞∩⌡ φß ⌠∩φ▀≤∙ ⁿ⌠Θ ß⌡⌠ⁿ σ▀φßΘ Ω▄⌠Θ ┴╨╧╦╒╘┴ ≡±∩ßΘ±σ⌠ΘΩⁿ. ╕≈σ⌠σ ⌠ß ≡δ▐±τ ΣΘΩßΘ■∞ß⌠ß ≈±▐≤τ≥ ß⌡⌠∩² ⌠∩⌡ ≡±∩π±▄∞∞ß⌠∩≥ πΘß ≡▄φ⌠ß σ▀⌠σ Ω▄φσ⌠σ Ω▄≡∩Θß Σ∙±σ▄ σ▀⌠σ ⁿ≈Θ. cmdOK.Caption=&OK [frmGetGain] frmGetGain.Caption=╙⌠ßΦσ±▐ ┴δδßπ▐ ┴≡∩δßΓ▐≥ Label1.Caption=┼≡Θδ▌ε⌠σ ┴δδßπ▐ ┴≡∩δßΓ▐≥ πΘß ⌠τφ σ÷ß±∞∩πδτ ≤σ ⁿδß ⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß chkConstOneChannel.Caption=┼÷ß±∞∩π▐ ≤σ ▌φß ∞ⁿφ∩ Ωßφ▄δΘ optLeft.Caption=╩ßφ▄δΘ 1 (┴±Θ≤⌠σ±ⁿ) optRight.Caption=╩ßφ▄δΘ 2 (─σε▀) cmdOK.Caption=&OK cmdCancel.Caption=&┴Ω⌡±∩ [frmLayerCheckWarning] frmLayerCheckWarning.Caption=╨╤╧╙╧╫╟! Label2.Caption=╘∩ MP3Gain Φß Σ∩⌡δ▌°σΘ ∞ⁿφ∩ ≤σ ß±≈σ▀ß mp3. ╨σ±Θ≤⌠ß≤ΘßΩ▄, ⌠∩ MP3Gain Φß '≡ß±ßπφ∙±▀≤σΘ' ▌φß ß±≈σ▀∩ mp3 ∙≥ ß±≈σ▀∩ mp2 ▐ mp1. ┼φσ±π∩≡∩Θ■φ⌠ß≥ ß⌡⌠▐ ⌠τφ σ≡Θδ∩π▐ ßφßπΩ▄µσ⌠ßΘ ⌠∩ MP3Gain φß ≡ß±ßΩ▄∞°σΘ ⌠∩φ ▌δσπ≈∩ ≡±∩≤⌠ß≤▀ß≥, σ≡Θ⌠±▌≡∙φ⌠ß≥ φß ßδδ▄εσ⌠σ ⌠τφ ß≡∩δßΓ▐ ≤σ ß⌡⌠▄ ⌠ß '≡ß±ßπφ∙±Θ≤∞▌φß' ß±≈σ▀ß. Label1.Caption=╝∞∙≥ ßφ ▌≈σ⌠σ Ω▄≡∩Θß ß±≈σ▀ß mp2 ▐ mp1≡∩⌡ ▌≈∩⌡φ ∩φ∩∞ß≤⌠σ▀ Ωß⌠▄ δ▄Φ∩≥ ∙≥ mp3, ⌠ⁿ⌠σ σφσ±π∩≡∩Θ■φ⌠ß≥ ⌠τφ σ≡Θδ∩π▐ ß⌡⌠▐ Φß σ≡Θ⌠±▌°σΘ σ≡▀≤τ≥ ⌠τφ Ωß⌠ß≤⌠±∩÷▐ ⌠∙φ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ ≤σ ß⌡⌠▄ ⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß ≡∩⌡ ▌≈∩⌡φ ∞σ⌠∩φ∩∞ß≤⌠σ▀ ß≡ⁿ δ▄Φ∩≥. chkIGetIt.Caption=═ß ∞τφ σ∞÷ßφΘ≤⌠σ▀ ß⌡⌠▐ τ ≡±∩σΘΣ∩≡∩▀τ≤τ εßφ▄ OKButton.Caption=OK ;********************************************************************************** ;CHANGES as of 2002-09-24 ;NEW ;LCL_LOG_FILES=┴±≈σ▀ß ╩ß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐≥ ;LCL_TEXT_FILES=┴±≈σ▀ß ╩σΘ∞▌φ∩⌡ ;End CHANGES section ;********************************************************************************** [frmLogs] LCL_LOG_FILES=┴±≈σ▀ß ╩ß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐≥ LCL_TEXT_FILES=┴±≈σ▀ß ╩σΘ∞▌φ∩⌡ LCL_ANALYSIS_LOG=─σφ ∞≡∩±σ▀ φß ßφ∩Θ≈⌠σ▀ ▐ φß ⌠±∩≡∩≡∩ΘτΦσ▀ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ ╩ß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐≥ ┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ≥ %%filename%% LCL_CHANGE_LOG=─σφ ∞≡∩±σ▀ φß ßφ∩Θ≈⌠σ▀ ▐ φß ⌠±∩≡∩≡∩ΘτΦσ▀ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ ╩ß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐≥ ┴δδßπ■φ %%filename%% LCL_ERROR_LOG=─σφ ∞≡∩±σ▀ φß ßφ∩Θ≈⌠σ▀ ▐ φß ⌠±∩≡∩≡∩ΘτΦσ▀ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ ╩ß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐≥ ╙÷ßδ∞▄⌠∙φ %%filename%% frmLogs.Caption=╤⌡Φ∞▀≤σΘ≥ ╩ß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐≥ txtChangeLog.ToolTipText=╧Θ ┴δδßπ▌≥ ┴≡∩δßΓ▐≥ Ωß⌠ßπ±▄÷∩φ⌠ßΘ ≤σ ß⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ txtAnalysisLog.ToolTipText=╘ß ß≡∩⌠σδ▌≤∞ß⌠ß ⌠τ≥ ┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ≥ Ωß⌠ßπ±▄÷∩φ⌠ßΘ ≤σ ß⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ txtErrorLog.ToolTipText=╘ß ╙÷▄δ∞ß⌠ß Ωß⌠ßπ±▄÷∩φ⌠ßΘ ≤σ ß⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ Label1.Caption=╙÷▄δ∞ß⌠ß Label1.ToolTipText=╘ß ╙÷▄δ∞ß⌠ß Ωß⌠ßπ±▄÷∩φ⌠ßΘ ≤σ ß⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ Label2.Caption=┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ Label2.ToolTipText=╘ß ß≡∩⌠σδ▌≤∞ß⌠ß ⌠τ≥ ┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ≥ Ωß⌠ßπ±▄÷∩φ⌠ßΘ ≤σ ß⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ Label3.Caption=┴δδßπ▌≥ Label3.ToolTipText=╧Θ ┴δδßπ▌≥ ┴≡∩δßΓ▐≥ Ωß⌠ßπ±▄÷∩φ⌠ßΘ ≤σ ß⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ cmdOK.Caption=OK cmdCancel.Caption=óΩ⌡±∩ [frmMain] ;********************************************************************************** ;CHANGES as of 2003-03-31 ;NEW lblNoUndo.Caption=╫∙±▀≥ ┴φß▀±σ≤τ mnuUndoGain.Caption=┴φß▀±σ≤τ ßδδßπ■φ ┴≡∩δßΓ▐≥ mnuDontAddClipping.Caption= ╫∙±▀≥ '°ßδ▀ΣΘ≤∞ß' ⁿ⌠ßφ π▀φσ⌠ßΘ ┴≡∩δßΓ▐ Track mnuTagHead.Caption=┼⌠ΘΩ▌⌠σ≥ mnuSkipTags.Caption=╨ß±▄Γδσ°τ (≈∙±▀≥ ΣΘ▄Γß≤∞ß ▐ π±▄°Θ∞∩ σ⌠ΘΩσ⌠■φ) mnuReCalcTags.Caption=┼≡ßφ⌡≡∩δ∩πΘ∞ⁿ≥ (≈∙±▀≥ ΣΘ▄Γß≤∞ß σ⌠ΘΩσ⌠■φ) mnuDeleteTags.Caption=┴÷ß▀±σ≤τ ┼⌠ΘΩσ⌠■φ ß≡ⁿ ⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß mnuBeep.Caption=╟≈τ⌠ΘΩⁿ ╙▐∞ß ∞σ⌠▄ ⌠∩ ⌠▌δ∩≥ mnuSkipTagsWhileAdding.Caption=╫∙±▀≥ ▌δσπ≈∩ Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τφ ≡±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ß±≈σ▀∙φ LCL_REMOVING_TAGS=┴÷ß▀±σ≤τ ⌠∙φ σ⌠ΘΩσ⌠■φ MP3Gain ß≡ⁿ %%filename%% LCL_UNDOING_CHANGES=┴φß▀±σ≤τ ßδδßπ■φ MP3Gain ≤⌠∩ %%filename%% ;End CHANGES section ;********************************************************************************** ;********************************************************************************** ;CHANGES as of 2003-01-01 ;NEW LCL_NO_BACK_END_1=╘╧ %%BACKENDFILE%% ─┼═ ┬╤┼╚╟╩┼. ─σφ Φß σ▀≤⌠σ ≤σ Φ▌≤τ φß Ω▄φσ⌠σ ßφ▄δ⌡≤τ ▐ ßδδßπ▌≥ ≤⌠ß MP3 ß±≈σ▀ß ≤ß≥. LCL_NO_BACK_END_2=┼▄φ ßφ⌠Θπ±▄°ß⌠σ ▐ ∞σ⌠ßΩΘφ▐≤ß⌠σ ⌠∩ MP3GainGUI.exe ≤σ ß⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ φ▌∩ ÷▄Ωσδ∩, ⌠ⁿ⌠σ σ▀⌠σ ßφ⌠Θπ±▄°⌠σ εßφ▄ ⌠∩ MP3GainGUI.exe ≤σ ß⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ φ▌∩ ÷▄Ωσδ∩ ∙≥ ≤⌡φ⌠ⁿ∞σ⌡≤τ ≤⌠∩φ ≡ßδΘⁿ ÷▄Ωσδ∩, ▐ ∞σ⌠ßΩΘφ▐≤⌠σ ⌠∩ mp3gain.exe ≤σ ß⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ φ▌∩ ÷▄Ωσδ∩. LCL_NO_HELP_FOUND=╘╧ %%HELPFILE%% ─┼═ ┬╤┼╚╟╩┼. ┼▄φ ßφ⌠Θπ±▄°ß⌠σ ▐ ∞σ⌠ßΩΘφ▐≤ß⌠σ ⌠∩ MP3GainGUI.exe ≤σ ß⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ ÷▄Ωσδ∩ ∞σ⌠▄ ⌠τφ σπΩß⌠▄≤⌠ß≤τ, ⌠ⁿ⌠σ ≡ß±ßΩßδ■ ∞σ⌠ßΩΘφ▐≤⌠σ σ≡▀≤τ≥ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ .chm ≤σ ß⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ ÷▄Ωσδ∩. ;End CHANGES section ;********************************************************************************** ;********************************************************************************** ;CHANGES as of 2002-09-24 ;CHANGED ;Replace all the instances of the word "Radio" with the word "Track" ; -- that's "Track" as in one song from a CD. ; David (the Replay Gain idea man) and I decided that "Track" and "Album" ; are easier for a new user to understand than "Radio" and "Album". ; That's what VorbisGain has been calling them for a while, anyway. ;(old) LCL_COLUMN_RADIO_GAIN=Radio Gain ;LCL_COLUMN_RADIO_GAIN=┴≡∩δßΓ▐ Track ;(old) LCL_COLUMN_RADIO_CLIP=clip(Radio) ;LCL_COLUMN_RADIO_CLIP=°ßδ▀ΣΘ≤∞ß(Track) ;(old) LCL_SMALL_RADIO=Radio ;LCL_SMALL_RADIO=Track ;(old) Button1Menu1.Text=Radio Analysis ;Button1Menu1.Text=┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ Track ;(old) Button2Menu1.Text=Radio Gain ;Button2Menu1.Text=┴≡∩δßΓ▐ Track ;(old) mnuRadio.Caption=&Radio Analysis ;mnuRadio.Caption=┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ Track ;(old) mnuRadioGain.Caption=Apply &Radio Gain ;mnuRadioGain.Caption=┼÷ß±∞∩π▐ ┴≡∩δßΓ▐≥ Track ;Just a re-wording on this one. Maybe your translation already has the correct ; meaning ;) ;(old) Button2.ToolTipText=Apply suggested gain to mp3 files ;Button2.ToolTipText=┼÷ß±∞∩π▐ ⌠∙φ ßδδßπ■φ ┴≡∩δßΓ▐≥ ≤⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß ;Replace "ReplayGain" with "Replay Gain" ;(old) Button1.ToolTipText=Do ReplayGain analysis on mp3 files ;Button1.ToolTipText=╩▄φσΘ ⌠τφ ßφ▄δ⌡≤τ Ωß⌠▄ Replay Gain ≤⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß mp3 ;End CHANGES section ;********************************************************************************** ;********************************************************************************** ;CHANGES as of 2002-09-05 ;REMOVED ;LCL_NO_ERROR=If you don't want to see these messages in the future, go to %%optionMenu%%->%%logOption%% and enter a file name in the %%errorLogLabel%% box. ;NEW LCL_ENTER_LOG=╚ß Φ▌δß⌠σ φß π±ß÷⌠∩²φ ß⌡⌠▄ ⌠ß ≤÷▄δ∞ß⌠ß ≤σ ▌φß ß±≈σ▀∩ Ωß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐≥ ßφ⌠▀ φß Γδ▌≡σ⌠σ ß⌡⌠▄ ⌠ß ∞⌡φ▐∞ß⌠ß; LCL_SHOW_ONE_ERROR_COUNT=%%COUNT%% δ▄Φ∩≥ Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τφ σ≡σεσ±πß≤▀ß. LCL_SHOW_MANY_ERROR_COUNT=%%COUNT%% δ▄Φτ Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τφ σ≡σεσ±πß≤▀ß. ;Yes, it's picky of me to differentiate between a single error and multiple errors. ;For some languages, these two messages probably are not even different at all. ;But I do not like messages that say "1 error(s) encountered". ;It makes me think the programmer was just too lazy to fix the message for single ;errors :) LCL_VIEW_LOG=┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ Ωß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐≥ ╙÷ßδ∞▄⌠∙φ; LCL_CANT_VIEW_LOG=╙÷▄δ∞ß Ωß⌠▄ ⌠∩ ß⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠∩ ▄φ∩Θπ∞ß ⌠∩⌡ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ Ωß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐≥ %%filename%%. ╚ß ≡±▌≡σΘ φß ßφ∩▀εσ⌠σ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ ß≡ⁿ ⌠τφ ┼εσ±σ²φτ≤τ ⌠∙φ Windows. ;End CHANGES section ;********************************************************************************** LCL_NO_CHECK=┼▄φ φ∩∞▀µσ⌠σ ⁿ⌠Θ ß⌡⌠ⁿ σ▀φßΘ δ▄Φ∩≥, ∞≡∩±σ▀⌠σ φß Σ∩ΩΘ∞▄≤σ⌠σ ⌠τφ σ≡Θδ∩π▐ %%noLayerCheckOption%% LCL_OPEN_FILE_FILTER1=┴±≈σ▀ß/╦▀≤⌠σ≥ MP3 LCL_OPEN_FILE_FILTER2=╝δß ⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß LCL_CHOOSE_FOLDER=┼≡Θδ∩π▐ ╓ßΩ▌δ∩⌡ LCL_DOING_ALBUM=├▀φσ⌠ßΘ ┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ Album... LCL_BACKEND_ERROR=╙÷▄δ∞ß Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τφ σΩ⌠▌δσ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ mp3gain.exe LCL_APPLY_GAIN=┼÷ß±∞∩π▐ ⌠τ≥ ┴≡∩δßΓ▐≥ ∞σ %%dbGain%% dB ≤⌠∩ %%filename%% LCL_MODIFY_ERROR=─σφ ∞≡∩±σ▀ φß ⌠±∩≡∩≡∩ΘτΦσ▀ ⌠∩ %%filename%% LCL_CANCELLING=├▀φσ⌠ßΘ ┴Ω²±∙≤τ... LCL_CHANGING_LEFT=┴δδßπ▐ ⌠τ≥ ß≡∩δßΓ▐≥ ≤⌠∩ Ωßφ▄δΘ 1 (┴±Θ≤⌠σ±ⁿ) ∞σ %%dbGain%%dB : %%filename%% LCL_CHANGING_RIGHT=┴δδßπ▐ ⌠τ≥ ß≡∩δßΓ▐≥ ≤⌠∩ Ωßφ▄δΘ 2 (─σε▀) ∞σ %%dbGain%%dB : %%filename%% LCL_CHANGING_GAIN=┴δδßπ▐ ⌠τ≥ ß≡∩δßΓ▐≥ ∞σ %%dbGain%%dB : %%filename%% LCL_NOT_STEREO=%%filename%% Σσφ σ▀φßΘ ß±≈σ▀∩ mp3 stereo ▐ Σ²∩-ΩßφßδΘ■φ LCL_ANALYZING=├▀φσ⌠ßΘ ┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ %%filename%% LCL_ERROR_ANALYZING=╙÷▄δ∞ß Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τφ ßφ▄δ⌡≤τ LCL_FILE_ERROR_ANALYZING=╙÷▄δ∞ß Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τφ ßφ▄δ⌡≤τ ⌠∩⌡ %%filename%% LCL_EXITING=├▀φσ⌠ßΘ ╘σ±∞ß⌠Θ≤∞ⁿ≥... LCL_TARGET_DB=(Default %%defaultTarget%%) ;This is what is in the "clipping" columns if ;the file is definitely clipping (or _will_ clip if the ;suggested gain is applied) LCL_CLIP_YES=Y ;This is what is in the "clipping" columns if ;the file is corrupt and mp3gain cannot tell if it is really ;clipping or not LCL_CLIP_MAYBE=??? ;the following are the column names in the main list box LCL_COLUMN_PATH_FILE=─ΘßΣ±∩∞▐\┴±≈σ▀∩ LCL_COLUMN_VOLUME=╕φ⌠ß≤τ LCL_COLUMN_CLIPPING=╪ßδ▀ΣΘ≤∞ß LCL_COLUMN_RADIO_GAIN=┴≡∩δßΓ▐ Track LCL_COLUMN_RADIO_CLIP=╪ßδ▀ΣΘ≤∞ß (Track) LCL_COLUMN_MAXIMUM_NOCLIP=Max ┴≡∩δßΓ▐ ≈∙±▀≥ ╪ßδ▀ΣΘ≤∞ß LCL_COLUMN_ALBUM_VOLUME=╕φ⌠ß≤τ Album LCL_COLUMN_ALBUM_GAIN=┴≡∩δßΓ▐ Album LCL_COLUMN_ALBUM_CLIP=╪ßδ▀ΣΘ≤∞ß (Album) LCL_COLUMN_PATH=─ΘßΣ±∩∞▐ LCL_COLUMN_FILE=┴±≈σ▀∩ LCL_COLUMN_MAXIMUM_AMPLITUDE=╘±▌≈∙φ Max ╨δ▄⌠∩≥ ;the following are the SHORT names that appear under the buttons when the ;user selects "Options->Toolbar->Small" LCL_SMALL_FILES=┴±≈σ▀ß LCL_SMALL_FOLDER=╓▄Ωσδ∩≥ LCL_SMALL_ALL=╝δß LCL_SMALL_RADIO=Track LCL_SMALL_ALBUM=Album LCL_SMALL_CONSTANT=╙⌠ßΦσ±▐ Form1.Caption=┴≡∩δßΓ▐ MP3 Label2.Caption=╕φ⌠ß≤τ ╩ßφ∩φΘΩ∩≡∩▀τ≤τ≥: cmdCancel.Caption=┴Ω⌡±∩ cmdExit.Caption=╕ε∩Σ∩≥ lblFileProg.Caption=╨±ⁿ∩Σ∩≥ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ lblTotProg.Caption=╙⌡φ∩δΘΩ▐ ≡±ⁿ∩Σ∩≥ Button1.ToolTipText=╩▄φσΘ ⌠τφ ßφ▄δ⌡≤τ Ωß⌠▄ Replay Gain ≤⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß mp3 Button1Menu1.Text=┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ Track Button1Menu2.Text=┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ Album Button1Menu4.Text=╩ßΦß±Θ≤∞ⁿ≥ ┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ≥ Button2.ToolTipText=┼÷ß±∞∩π▐ σ≡Θδσπ∞▌φτ≥ ß≡∩δßΓ▐≥ ≤⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß mp3 Button2Menu1.Text=┴≡∩δßΓ▐ Track Button2Menu2.Text=┴≡∩δßΓ▐ Album Button2Menu3.Text=╙⌠ßΦσ±▐ ┴≡∩δßΓ▐ Button4.Caption=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ┴±≈σ▀∙φ Button4.ToolTipText=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ mp3 ß±≈σ▀∙φ ≤⌠τ δ▀≤⌠ß Button5.Caption=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ╓ßΩ▌δ∩⌡ Button5.ToolTipText=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ⁿδ∙φ ⌠∙φ ß±≈σ▀∙φ mp3 ß≡ⁿ ▌φß ÷▄Ωσδ∩ Button7.Caption=╩ßΦß±Θ≤∞ⁿ≥ ┴±≈σ▀∙φ Button7.ToolTipText=┴÷ß▀±σ≤τ ⌠∙φ σ≡Θδσπ∞▌φ∙φ ß±≈σ▀∙φ ß≡ⁿ ⌠τ δ▀≤⌠ß Button8.Caption=╩ßΦß±Θ≤∞ⁿ≥ ╝δ∙φ Button8.ToolTipText=┴÷ß▀±σ≤τ ⁿδ∙φ ⌠∙φ ß±≈σ▀∙φ ß≡ⁿ ⌠τ δ▀≤⌠ß mnuFile.Caption=┴±≈σ▀∩ mnuLoadAnalysis.Caption=óφ∩Θπ∞ß ß≡∩⌠σδσ≤∞▄⌠∙φ ┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ≥ mnuSaveAnalysis.Caption=┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ß≡∩⌠σδσ≤∞▄⌠∙φ ┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ≥ mnuAddFile.Caption=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ┴±≈σ▀∙φ mnuAddFolder.Caption=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ╓ßΩ▌δ∩⌡ mnuSelectAll.Caption=┼≡Θδ∩π▐ ⁿδ∙φ ⌠∙φ ß±≈σ▀∙φ mnuSelectNone.Caption=┼≡Θδ∩π▐ Ωßφσφⁿ≥ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ mnuSelectReverse.Caption=┴φß≤⌠±∩÷▐ ┼≡Θδ∩π▐≥ mnuClearFiles.Caption=╩ßΦß±Θ≤∞ⁿ≥ ┼≡Θδσπ∞▌φ∙φ ┴±≈σ▀∙φ mnuClearAll.Caption=╩ßΦß±Θ≤∞ⁿ≥ ╝δ∙φ ⌠∙φ ┴±≈σ▀∙φ mnuExit.Caption=╕ε∩Σ∩≥ mnuAnalysis.Caption=┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ mnuRadio.Caption=┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ Track mnuAlbum.Caption=┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ Album mnuMaxAmp.Caption=Max ┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ ≈∙±▀≥ ╪ßδ▀ΣΘ≤∞ß mnuClearAnalysis.Caption=╩ßΦß±Θ≤∞ⁿ≥ ┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ≥ mnuGain.Caption=╘±∩≡∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ┴≡∩δßΓ▐≥ mnuRadioGain.Caption=┼÷ß±∞∩π▐ ┴≡∩δßΓ▐≥ Track mnuAlbumGain.Caption=┼÷ß±∞∩π▐ ┴≡∩δßΓ▐≥ Album mnuConstantGain.Caption=┼÷ß±∞∩π▐ ╙⌠ßΦσ±▐≥ ┴≡∩δßΓ▐≥... mnuMaxNoClipGain.Caption=┼÷ß±∞∩π▐ Max ┴≡∩δßΓ▐≥ ≈∙±▀≥ ╪ßδ▀ΣΘ≤∞ß πΘß Ω▄Φσ ┴±≈σ▀∩ mnuGroupNoClip.Caption=┼÷ß±∞∩π▐ Max ┴≡∩δßΓ▐≥ ≈∙±▀≥ ╪ßδ▀ΣΘ≤∞ß πΘß Album mnuOptions.Caption=╤⌡Φ∞▀≤σΘ≥ mnuAlwaysTop.Caption=╨▄φ⌠ß ≤σ ≡±■⌠∩ ≡δ▄φ∩ mnuSelectedFiles.Caption=┼±πß≤▀ß ∞ⁿφ∩ ≤⌠ß σ≡Θδσπ∞▌φß ß±≈σ▀ß mnuEachAlbum.Caption=╩▄Φσ ╓▄Ωσδ∩≥ σ▀φßΘ ▌φß Album mnuAddSubs.Caption=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ╒≡∩÷ßΩ▌δ∙φ mnuKeepTime.Caption=─Θß⌠▐±τ≤τ ⌠τ≥ τ∞σ±∩∞τφ▀ß≥/■±ß≥ ⌠∩⌡ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ mnuReckless.Caption=╫∙±▀≥ ▌δσπ≈∩ πΘß Layer I ▐ II mnuLogs.Caption=┴±≈σ▀ß ╩ß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐≥... mnuToolbar.Caption=├±ß∞∞▐ ┼±πßδσ▀∙φ mnuToolBarBig.Caption=╠σπ▄δß mnuToolbarSmall.Caption=╠ΘΩ±▄ mnuToolbarText.Caption=╠ⁿφ∩ ╩σ▀∞σφ∩ mnuToolbarNone.Caption=╫∙±▀≥ ├±ß∞∞▐ ┼±πßδσ▀∙φ mnuFileDisplayOptions.Caption=┴≡σΘΩ∩φ▀≤σΘ≥ ┴±≈σ▀∙φ mnuPathWithFile.Caption=┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ ─ΘßΣ±∩∞▐\┴±≈σ▀∩ mnuFileOnly.Caption=┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ ∞ⁿφ∩ ┴±≈σ▀∩⌡ mnuPathSepFile.Caption=┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ ─ΘßΣ±∩∞▐≥ ΩßΘ ┴±≈σ▀∩⌡ mnuSysTray.Caption=┼δß≈Θ≤⌠∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ≤⌠∩ System Tray ;When minimized to system try, this menu item is available to restore the screen mnuPopRestore.Caption=┼≡ßφß÷∩±▄ mnuResetColumns.Caption=┼≡ßφß÷∩±▄ ≤⌠Θ≥ ß±≈ΘΩ▌≥ ±⌡Φ∞▀≤σΘ≥ ╙⌠▐δ■φ mnuResetWarnings.Caption=┼≡ßφß÷∩±▄ ⌠∙φ ≡±∩σΘΣ∩≡∩Θτ⌠ΘΩ■φ ∞⌡φτ∞▄⌠∙φ mnuAdvancedOptions.Caption=├Θß ≡±∩≈∙±τ∞▌φ∩⌡≥... mnuLanguageList.Caption=├δ■≤≤ß mnuHelp.Caption=┬∩▐ΦσΘß mnuContents.Caption=╨σ±Θσ≈ⁿ∞σφß mnuDisclaimer.Caption=┴≡∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ┼⌡Φ⌡φ■φ... mnuAbout.Caption=╨δτ±∩÷∩±▀σ≥... [frmMaximizing] frmMaximizing.Caption=╙τ∞σ▀∙≤τ πΘß ⌠τ ╠σπΘ≤⌠∩≡∩▀τ≤τ Label1.Caption="╠σπΘ≤⌠∩≡∩Θ■φ⌠ß≥", ▐ Ωßφ∩φΘΩ∩≡∩Θ■φ⌠ß≥ ⌠∩ ∞▌πΘ≤⌠∩ ≡δ▄⌠∩≥ ⌠∙φ ß±≈σ▀∙φ ▐≈∩⌡, Σσφ σ▀φßΘ ∞Θß Ωßδ▐ δ²≤τ πΘß φß ⌠ß ÷▌±σ⌠σ ⁿδß ≤⌠τφ ▀ΣΘß ▌φ⌠ß≤τ. ├Θß ∞Θß ≡Θ∩ ⌠σ≈φΘΩ▐ σ≡σε▐πτ≤τ, ßΩ∩δ∩⌡Φ▐≤⌠σ ⌠τ ΣΘσ²Φ⌡φ≤τ Label5.Caption=╣ ßΩ∩δ∩⌡Φ▐≤⌠σ ⌠τφ ≡ß±ßΩ▄⌠∙ ΣΘσ²Φ⌡φ≤τ πΘß φß Ωß⌠σΓ▄≤σ⌠σ Ω▄≡∩Θß τ≈τ⌠ΘΩ▄ Σσ▀π∞ß⌠ß ≡∩⌡ Σσ▀≈φ∩⌡φ ⁿ⌠Θ τ ∞σπΘ≤⌠∩≡∩▀τ≤τ Σσφ σ▀φßΘ ⌠∩ ▀ΣΘ∩ ∞σ ⌠τφ Ωßφ∩φΘΩ∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ⌠τ≥ ▌φ⌠ß≤τ≥. OKButton.Caption=&OK [frmOptions] frmOptions.Caption=╤⌡Φ∞▀≤σΘ≥ πΘß ≡±∩≈∙±τ∞▌φ∩⌡≥ fraPriority.Caption=╨±∩⌠σ±ßΘⁿ⌠τ⌠ß ─Θσ±πß≤▀ß≥ optReal.Caption=╙σ ╨±ßπ∞ß⌠ΘΩⁿ ╫±ⁿφ∩ optHigh.Caption=╒°τδ▐ optNorm.Caption=╩ßφ∩φΘΩ▐ optIdle.Caption=╙σ ┴Σ±▄φσΘß Label1.Caption=╙τ∞.: ╟ ╒°τδ▐ ΩßΘ ╨±ßπ∞ß⌠ΘΩ∩² ╫±ⁿφ∩⌡ ─┼═ ≡±∩⌠σ▀φ∩φ⌠ßΘ. Frame1.Caption=╦σΘ⌠∩⌡±πΘΩⁿ⌠τ⌠ß/┴≡ⁿΣ∩≤τ Label3.Caption=┼φσ±π∩≡∩Θ■φ⌠ß≥ ß⌡⌠▌≥ ⌠Θ≥ σ≡Θδ∩π▌≥ ╔╙┘╙ Ω▄φσΘ ⌠∩ MP3Gain φß ⌠±▌≈σΘ ┼╦┴╓╤┘╙ π±τπ∩±ⁿ⌠σ±ß, ßδδ▄ ∞≡∩±σ▀ φß 'Ω±σ∞▄≤σΘ' ⌠∩φ ╒≡∩δ∩πΘ≤⌠▐ ≤ß≥ ΩßΘ φß ≡±▌≡σΘ φß Ω▄φσ⌠σ σ≡ßφσΩΩ▀φτ≤τ... chkNoTempFiles.Caption=╫∙±▀≥ ╫±▐≤τ Temp ß±≈σ▀∙φ chkNoShowFileStatus.Caption=╫∙±▀≥ ▌φΣσΘετ ≡±∩ⁿΣ∩⌡ chkMaximizing.Caption=┼φσ±π∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ⌠∙φ ≈ß±ßΩ⌠τ±Θ≤⌠ΘΩ■φ "╠σπΘ≤⌠∩≡∩▀τ≤τ≥" cmdOK.Caption=OK [frmReadOnly] frmReadOnly.Caption=┴±≈σ▀∩ ∞ⁿφ∩ πΘß ┴φ▄πφ∙≤τ lblTitle.Caption=╨±∩≤∩≈▐ - ⌠∩ ┴±≈σ▀∩ ∞ⁿφ∩ πΘß ßφ▄πφ∙≤τ Σσφ Φß ∞≡∩±σ▀ φß ⌠±∩≡∩≡∩ΘτΦσ▀:0 Label1.Caption=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ⌠∩⌡ ┴±≈σ▀∩⌡ ≤⌠τ δ▀≤⌠ß ∩²⌠∙≥ ▐ ▄δδ∙≥; cmdYes.Caption=═ßΘ cmdYesAll.Caption=═ßΘ ≤σ ╝δß cmdNo.Caption=╝≈Θ cmdNoAll.Caption=╝≈Θ ≤σ ╝δß CancelButton.Caption=óΩ⌡±∩ [frmResetWarn] frmResetWarn.Caption=╩ßΦß±Θ≤∞ⁿ≥ ┴φ▄δ⌡≤τ≥; Label1.Caption=╚ß ΩßΦß±Θ≤⌠∩²φ ⁿδß ⌠ß ⌠±▌≈∩φ⌠ß ß≡∩⌠σδ▌≤∞ß⌠ß ßφ▄δ⌡≤τ≥. ╙▀π∩⌡±ß; chkShowResetWarn.Caption=═ß ∞τφ π▀φσΘ ß⌡⌠▐ τ σ±■⌠τ≤τ εßφ▄ cmdYes.Caption=═ßΘ cmdNo.Caption=╝≈Θ [frmStereoWarning] frmStereoWarning.Caption=╨╤╧╙╧╫╟ ! Label1.Caption=╟ δσΘ⌠∩⌡±π▀ß ß⌡⌠▐ Φß ≡±ßπ∞ß⌠∩≡∩ΘτΦσ▀ ∞ⁿφ∩ ßφ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ mp3 σ▀φßΘ Ω∙ΣΘΩ∩≡∩Θτ∞▌φ∩ ≤ßφ stereo ▐ Σ²∩-ΩßφßδΘ■φ, ╧╫╔ ≤ßφ joint-stereo ▐ mono. chkIGetIt.Caption=═ß ∞τφ σ∞÷ßφΘ≤⌠σ▀ ß⌡⌠▐ τ ≡±∩σΘΣ∩≡∩▀τ≤τ εßφ▄ OKButton.Caption=OK [basSaveAnalysis] LCL_OVERWRITE_FILE=╚▌δσ⌠σ φß ßφ⌠ΘΩß⌠ß≤⌠ßΦσ▀ ⌠∩ ⌡≡▄±≈∩φ ß±≈σ▀∩; LCL_MODIFIcATION_CAPTION=╨±∩σΘΣ∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ╘±∩≡∩≡∩▀τ≤τ≥ LCL_MODIFICATION_WARNING=╨±∩≤∩≈▐ - ╘∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ ∞≡∩±σ▀ φß ▌≈σΘ ⌠±∩≡∩≡∩ΘτΦσ▀ ∞σ⌠▄ ⌠τφ ß≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ⌠τ≥ ßφ▄δ⌡≤τ≥ LCL_SIZE_CAPTION=╨±∩σΘΣ∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ╠σ⌠ßΓ∩δ▐≥ ╠σπ▌Φ∩⌡≥ LCL_SIZE_WARNING=╨±∩≤∩≈▐ - ╘∩ ∞▌πσΦ∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ ▌≈σΘ ∞σ⌠ßΓδτΦσ▀ ∞σ⌠▄ ⌠τφ ß≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ⌠τ≥ ßφ▄δ⌡≤τ≥ LCL_IGNORE_WARNING=┴φ∩Θπ∞ß ⌠∙φ ß≡∩ΦτΩσ⌡∞▌φ∙φ ß≡∩⌠σδσ≤∞▄⌠∙φ ßφ▄δ⌡≤τ≥ ∩≡∙≤Σ▐≡∩⌠σ; ;********************************************************************************** ;CHANGES as of 2003-03-31 ;NEW [frmSkipTagsWarn] frmSkipTagsWarn.Caption=╨╤╧╙╧╫╟! Label1.Caption=┼▄φ τ '╨ß±▄Γδσ°τ ┼⌠ΘΩσ⌠■φ'σ▀φßΘ σφσ±π▐, ⌠ⁿ⌠σ τ 'ßφß▀±σ≤τ' ≡δτ±∩÷∩±Θ■φ Σσφ Φß ß≡∩ΦτΩσ⌡Φσ▀ ≤⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß mp3. ─┼═ Φß σ▀≤⌠σ ≤σ Φ▌≤τ φß Ω▄φσ⌠σ ß⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠τ ßφß▀±σ≤τ ßδδßπ■φ. chkIGetIt.Caption=═ß ∞τφ σ∞÷ßφΘ≤⌠σ▀ ß⌡⌠▐ τ ≡±∩σΘΣ∩≡∩▀τ≤τ εßφ▄ OKButton.Caption=&OK ;End CHANGES section ;**********************************************************************************